
Please feel free to introduce yourself, your background, and what brings you here. Thanks!

Hey @tbonneman. Thanks for the invite this Discourse. I think it is a good idea to have a common water-hole to gather the community around.

I’m currently the Community Success Manager for 2i2c. 2i2c is a non-profit that develops, deploys, and maintains cloud-based interactive computing for research and education communities.

I am especially interested on enabling others to be able to do their science more productively and with less frustration. As an academic researcher, I have seen a lot of scientists and students using only a few of the many amazing tools that are available across the open-source science world. I often wonder how much further these researchers and scholars could go if they could more easily build upon previous efforts.

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Welcome, and thanks for joining! 2i2c has come up a few times in our conversations already.

I’m a data scientist with a PhD in Physics currently working in the healthcare/medical field. Experience in software development, system administration, machine learning, and parallel computation. Hope to help with the OSSci community.


Hi, I’m Abel.

My background is software engineering and I’m currently working for an open data producer of earth observation datasets.
I’m interested in formats and open source software for EO and climate data.

Nice to meet you all and thanks for creating this space.